This is additional information to supplement our earlier post about the cancellation of the 2020 show.

It is with a heavy heart that we must announce that due to the Coronavirus Social Distancing guidelines, all 2020 activities – Annual Tractor Cruise, Annual Threshers Show, meetings and our Annual Appreciation Dinner have been cancelled. This decision didn’t come easily, but when it all comes down to the bottom line, the most important thing is the health and well-being of our spectators, exhibitors, volunteers and our community. Recently, the Montgomery County Fair Board had to make the same decision, and we know first hand the intense struggle of balancing between “trying to do the right thing” vs “The Show Must Go On”. We hope that 2021 will bring the steadfast support for both the Montgomery County Fair and The Montgomery County Old Threshers that our small community has always provided. It is also our prayer that 2021 will be free of this virus that has caused so many adjustments to our every day lives. The Montgomery County Old Threshers members will be working hard to make 2021 our best show yet and look forward to seeing you the first Saturday in March for the Toy Show. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at 573-999-5741 or – Valerie Johnson.